Not always.
Any student to student interaction in class needs to be
meaningful and purposeful. If a student
can easily answer a question or a prompt without needing the help of another
student, it may not be purposeful for the students to pair-share. If the question or prompt does not require
some deeper or more cognitively demanding thinking, the pair-share does not
carry as much meaning.
Questions and prompts designed for pair-share need to be
predetermined and constructed in a way that includes opportunities for students
to use academic language in collaborative and meaningful ways.
Time dedicated to pair-share should be appropriate to the
task and create a sense of urgency for students to interact.
Low Quality Pair-Share Examples
Higher Quality Pair-Share Examples
Turn to your partner and tell them the letter.
Turn to your partner and tell them how you can tell the
difference between the letter “b” and “d”.
Talk to your elbow partner about that.
Talk to your elbow partner about the change in the main
character’s motivation.
Turn to your neighbor and tell them if the number is prime
or composite.
Turn to your neighbor and explain why you know that number
is prime or composite.
While we need to continually plan opportunities for students
to interact and use academic language in our classrooms, we need to strive to
be more purposeful and meaningful in the questions or prompts we create.